Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Week 12 - The 23rd Thing!

Yay, made it! Phew...

All in all these 23 Things have been a bit of an eye opener, I must say! Even those Things I had already been using- turns out you can use them for work, and do more with them than I'd ever thought! I've now incorporated iGoogle, Google Docs, flickr and del.icio.us into my daily life whereas I hadn't previously used them; I'm still using facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube and podcasts, but getting greater functionality from them; and even those things I didn't particularly get on with - well at least I now know what they are and how to use them, so thank you 23 Things!

Some of the Things that I haven't really continued using have been those that aren't currently useful to me specifically, but that I can see might be under different circumstances. For example, RSS feeds are obviously great if you are trawling through a lot of info on a daily basis, but for me they kind of fell by the wayside. Too. Much. Information! LinkedIn could well be a fantastic networking opportunity in the future but given my current position it is pretty redundant. I also don't see myself tweeting merrily away any time soon, although if I was a journalist Twitter would be my constant companion! ThinkFree was my only real technological disaster - couldn't get it to work efficiently or consistently at all, not sure what went wrong there, but suffice to say I won't be using it again!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on finishing! Glad you've enjoyed the course and found it useful.
