I'm following a handpicked selection of my fellow library bloggers, and props to Liz for spreading the word about New York Public Library's foray into Web 2.0, very interesting indeed, I'll definitely put aside some time to have a good ol' nose around their blogs.
Possibly even more exciting than seeing what everyone else has been up to is being able to subscribe to various feeds and have them stream in one place. I'm hoping that this will save a bit of time, as I've chosen to subscribe to some of my favourite places on the web - The Guardian, the Internet Movie Database (brilliant for those frustrating "I really recognise him, what else has he been in?" moments), news from the RSL, the University, and the local area, as well as, of course, the 23 Things blog itself! I'm loving the Google Reader homepage with it's "What's new" feature - easy to navigate and you can scroll down your new items which are handily broken up into sizzling snippets of juicy info!
The blog name Tall People Fighting is great. I am a huge fan of Google Reader. What it lacks in visual elegance it makes up for by being constantly full of interesting stuff...