Somewhat belatedly I have created my Flickr account, hoorah! Many of my friends use Flickr to display their photographic genius, but as I'm not much of a snapper I've never done more than have a quick look at their work when sent links, so this Thing has been good for me to start getting to grips with Flickr possibilities. You never know, it may lead to me taking more pictures!
So, after being unable to remember my existing Yahoo! ID I managed to finally create a sign-in that was accepted. Apparently I have a very common name, so now I have an ID I'll almost certainly forget (I'm guessing that's what happened with my last one), but until then, I have a lovely Flickr account!
Uploading photos was fairly straightforward, although I did have to save some from my Facebook account onto my computer in order to upload them as I was, sadly, photo-less on this machine. I liked scrolling through my photostream, and was pleased to see there was a slideshow facility if I ever did take reams of holiday pictures!
I only uploaded 10 photos, just to make sure I had got the hang of it, but as the Flickr site seemed pretty intuitive, I also organised them into 'Sets'.

I then managed to find my library brethren over at the Oxford 23 Things group, and have been accepted amongst them, yay!

All in all, a rather successful first toe-dip into the world of Flickr I feel, and I am very much looking forward to playing with the editing tools, fingers crossed for some exciting creations!
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